she said.she said.
This week, open shelves in the kitchen
For several years now open shelving in the kitchen has been widely
used in all the shelter magazines, tv shows and blogs. I have to say, I don’t
get it. The kitchen is the most difficult room in the house to keep clean.
• food
• household dust
• grease
• condensation from hot water
You combine any two of those items and you have a substance that
will survive a nuclear war.
Be honest, when you have to change the light bulb
in the kitchen and you grab the fixture isn’t your first response “UGH! Why is
this so sticky?!” What do you think every item on the open shelf is going to
feel like?
If space is tight, edit your belongings. If you want to display a
special collection, glass front cabinets are a better option. If you insist on
following after an unworthy trend at least put the shelves as far away from the
sink and stove as possible.
I have a difficult time abiding by any decorating
choice that just creates more work. The best design is suppose to make your
life easier not your chore list longer.
What did the kitchen cabinet say
to the open shelf? "I said tapas, not topless!"
A bad joke for a bad idea - open
shelving in your kitchen. If you wouldn't go topless in your kitchen, neither
should your dishes.
For me, open shelving in a
kitchen is like the five second rule for your floor. Okay, so maybe it's 15
seconds, but it still exists. If you think the five (or 15) second rule
isn't true, watch recent MythBuster episode.
Sure they are beautiful, open up
the space, and make dishes an arm distance away. The last point is the bone of
my contention. If your dishes are just an arm's length away from you, then they
are also arms distance from the grease and grime of everyday use.
However, there are three
exceptions to when open shelving is acceptable:
1. You sell them for a living
2. Your spouse sells them for a
3. Nope, now that I think about
it there are only two
Take my advice, if you want an
open feeling in your kitchen, use glass front cabinets, keep the a light color,
and add under cabinet lighting. Fair warning, if you don't heed my advice, I'll
keep telling jokes.
Sure this is beautiful, but I'm not drinking
out of those glasses. |
This is Drew Barrymore's kitchen. Perhaps she has someone who cleans her dishes everyday. | | | |